Unfortunately once again someone has set up a fake Weymouth Pavilion Facebook Account and are targeting people that have entered our competitions. The fake profile is contacting entrants and telling them they’ve won tickets, followed by requesting bank details.
Weymouth Pavilion will NEVER ask for bank details on Facebook, we always ask winners to contact the Box Office directly via our booking line 01305 783 225.
The fake Facebook page is very convincing but there are a few clues:
• We have over 16,000 followers, this page has 1.
• Scroll down on our page and you will see we have posts going back years, the fake profile’s posts are all recently added.
We do have a Sleeping Beauty competition due to end today (15.12.22), we will contact the winner this afternoon and ask the winner to call the Box Office on 01305 783 225.
If you are ever unsure if a message is genuine, please contact the Box Office on 01305 783 225.
If you are contacted by a fake Weymouth Pavilion page please report it to Facebook immediately and block the user.
Here are some screenshots of the fake profile: